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Conversion Rate Optimisation: When You Are Struggling To Grow Your Audience
The obsession with getting more visitors is understandable - like the economic principle that consumers are never totally satisfied and always want more. However we have learned and are told that if we look after the pennies, the £'s will look after themselves. In other words look at where you may be spending more money that you need to - hence the growth in comparison shopping and service switching services for utilities, insurance, phone contracts etc.
With web traffic we need to look at what can we do to retain our visitors for longer to make them purchase or achieve a goal conversion. If your conversion rate is 1% and you increase to 1.1% you have achieved a 10% increase in conversion. How much better off would you be if you sold 10% more from the same number of visitors?
The methodology that CP Digital uses when it comes to Conversion Rate Optimisation is simple but thorough. Here it is:
With web traffic we need to look at what can we do to retain our visitors for longer to make them purchase or achieve a goal conversion. If your conversion rate is 1% and you increase to 1.1% you have achieved a 10% increase in conversion. How much better off would you be if you sold 10% more from the same number of visitors?
The methodology that CP Digital uses when it comes to Conversion Rate Optimisation is simple but thorough. Here it is: